"Dream as though you'll live forever, live as though you'll die today." -James Dean-

Friday, April 8, 2011

Bat Boy: Performance Response

"Heed the tale of a filthy freak, who's just like you."

     On Thursday, March 31, 2011, I went to go see Daytona State College's musical performance of Bat Boy: The Musical. It was performed in the Gillespy Theatre at the News Journal Center in Daytona Beach, Florida. The musical was directed by Zeina Salame.

     The moment I stepped into the theatre to see Bat Boy the energy was way up. There was a lot of commotion around the place. It seemed like everyone was really excited to see this performance. There were a lot of students there, so more than likely the fact that their school was performing probably had something to do with the overall excitement going around. The theatre had a three sided seating arrangement so seeing everyone's reactions was pretty well visible. Everyone seemed to have a smile on their faces throughout the performance.

     The performance would have to be listed as a comedy horror musical. Throughout the whole show there was a lot of jokes and a lot gore and violence. Everyone was laughing none stop the whole time. Even in the serious parts they were laughing, because that was what the mood of the musical was set at. The main character, Bat Boy or Edgar, craves blood at certain points throughout the musical. So obviously, there was a good amount blood too. There was even several people who gasped at the blood and the violence involved with that. There was also a live band to play the instrumentals of the songs in the performance. That was a really cool and impressive touch. They were situated on the stage above a cave. It added to the impressiveness of the songs to have a live band perform with it.

     Afterwards I myself did not discuss the show that much. That has nothing to with whether I liked it or not, because I loved it. It was a very good performance. It was actually my first viewing of a musical too. But, I did over hear a few people who were talking about the wardrobe malfunction once they got out the theatre after the show. The mom got her heel caught in her skirt and tripped and had trouble getting up a couple of times resulting from that. Then a few minutes later her blouse became accidentally unbuttoned in the front while she was singing. That was really the only thing I could negatively criticize about the performance. A few days later, I heard numerous people talk about the musical at school too, especially in my acting class.

     Overall, it was a great performance. It was extremely funny and also gripping. It had great acting to go along with amazing singing. Everyone clapped every chance they got throughout, so I am pretty sure that that everyone liked the show.

  • Bat Boy: The Musical. 2008. Photograph. San Pedro, California. Splash Magizines. By Nicholas Tober. Web. 8 Apr. 2011. <http://www.lasplash.com/publish/Los_Angeles_Performances_116/Bat_Boy_The_Musical_Theatre_Review_-_A_Night_at_The_Warner_Grand_Theatre.php>.

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